Right Choice Homes: Energy-Efficient Living During Shifting Fall Temperatures

Home » Right Choice Homes: Energy-Efficient Living During Shifting Fall Temperatures

Energy-Efficient Living During Shifting Fall Temperatures | Right ChoiceFall is finally here. Georgia’s fall seasons typically bring a mix of cool and warm temperatures. This change in temperature throughout the day often concerns homeowners who fear rising energy bills while HVAC systems struggle to keep the temperature inside homes comfortable. Homeowners with Right Choice™ homes from Jackson EMC can rest assured with guaranteed comfort and energy efficiency.

Built for energy efficiency, improved indoor air quality, comfort and convenience, Right Choice homes are, on average, 20 to 30% more effective in achieving desired temperatures, which results in lower heating and cooling costs than typical homes.*

The details behind the walls are what make Right Choice homes so much more energy-efficient than a standard home, ensuring that not only are energy codes met but that they exceed the minimum requirements. Energy field technicians test and verify that each home’s heating and cooling system provides proper room-by-room airflow, ensuring homeowners are comfortable for years to come.

The high-quality construction methods and energy-savings equipment of a Right Choice home include:

  • Effective and proper insulation installation
  • Energy-efficient electric water heating
  • Energy-efficient electric heat pumps
  • High-performing, properly sealed windows
  • Home performance testing

For added peace of mind, Jackson EMC also offers two warranties to Right Choice homeowners:

Guaranteed Comfort

  • 1-year comfort warranty guarantees that each room will stay within 3 degrees of the thermostat setting for that zone.

 Guaranteed Energy Savings

  • 3-year energy warranty guarantees annual heating and cooling energy usage will not exceed the predicted amount.

As an added bonus, Right Choice homeowners enjoy Jackson EMC’s lowest residential rate, saving an average of 5% on their annual energy cost for the life of the home.

Homebuyers looking for an energy-efficient new home and lower utility costs should look no further than Right Choice homes from Jackson EMC. To learn more about the Right Choice program and participating builders, visit RightChoice.JacksonEMC.com.

*Ask your Jackson EMC representative for complete warranty terms and conditions.

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